Thursday, June 5, 2014

Punching intimidation in the gut

This picture was taken in the bathroom of THE GYM.....right after I completed my first gym workout in probably over a year.

It was difficult getting there for more than one reason. One reason was EVERYTHING KEPT HINDERING ME. It really is frustrating to me that I can't just say, "Hey guys...I'm going to the gym...I'll be home later!" and hop in the car and drive off. But, such is this season of life---major responsibilities. I arranged for childcare for baby (hubby was working) but they could only watch baby for one hour, so my workout could only last 45 minutes. I don't have a gym membership but I buy a day pass. In order to buy a day pass, I have to go during staffed hours, and since it was a Saturday, the staffed hours ended at noon. And then when I had NO time to spare to get there on time, chaos took place--- phone calls, problems that needed immediate attention, yada yada. I felt like crying. Finally I just grabbed the baby, said "I can not do everything that needs to be done at this moment, but I HAVE TO go to the gym"...and off I went. And no one died. It wasn't that anyone was TRYING to hinder me. It was just life.

I posted previously about feeling intimidated.......especially since I'm heavier than I was before (crazy self image stuff in my head---it has a loud voice) AND I don't have workout clothes that fit properly (neither have I been able to find them in a store). But I did it anyway.

Here is another pic of just after the workout, in the gym bathroom. (because when you go to the gym, you are supposed to follow up with a selfie, right? LOL)

I hate the way the skirt fits me.....emphasizing the bubble belly. However, this I know---------it won't be like that soon. A long time ago, I posted a bubble belly pic, and then I lost weight and in that same skirt, I no longer had the bubble belly. So.......see this bubble belly? It won't be there soon.

I could write for another hour but I have to get some sleep. Another post tomorrow, I hope!

toodle loo!

1 comment:

  1. You're doing fantastic things and making wonderful breakthroughs Amy, despite the challenges in front of you. Great pics!! When I recently got back into the Y, my "workout clothes" consisted of me losing the jeans and replacing them with sweat pants...keeping on the collared "dress" shirt (unbuttoned with an undershirt) from the days work. I remember after one particular workout, someone asked me in a very judgmental way "You decided to wear that to workout??" (insert condescending tone) I proudly answered, "Yes, what does it matter what I wear to workout in? It's not a fashion show, I'm there for me. What I wear is of no consequence to anyone else. If I'm comfortable, then it's perfect...for me." That person, whom I see way too much of, hasn't said another word.
    Your spirit and determination is inspiring. Thank you for doing what you do. And I hope you recognize what you're doing is incredible. You're proving the personal power each of us has to overcome the obstacles, in our own time, at our own pace and on the terms best suited for our circumstances... there's peace in that, Amy. Love reading your updates. Thank you.
