Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Week 15 I'm planning to "go under!"

No, not under the knife ....under 300 pounds! I weighed 304 last night. Wouldn't it be awesome to be UNDER 300 next Tuesday? In the 2's! :) Ah yes, that would be great!

BUT that would require at least a 4.25 pound loss this week, which I *can* do, (I have done it before) but I can *ONLY* do if I (A) not go over my calories even once and (B) not skip a day of exercise no matter what. bad do I want it? My actions this week will prove how bad I do. Right now I am highly motivated! Let's hope it stays that way! *thinking motivating thoughts!*
I'm about to sit down and eat this 500 cal breakfast pictured above (egg sandwich made with 2 eggs, one boiled egg, one stick of cheese and half of a small apple). Two hours from now I will have 1.5 cups of multigrain cheerios for a 150 cal snack.
I got the invitation to our next area TOPS fun day (which will be July 25th) and I'm going to read it while I eat. I am excited about going to that. It is a quarterly awards and game day for all of the TOPS chapters in our area. I *know* I will be getting some awards!
Have a chipper day everyone!!!!!!!!!!! :)
~That TOPS lady


  1. Oh, wow, you are very close! WOO HOO to that! Here's to a super-charged week!

  2. You are so close...make it happen! YOU WANT IT BAD....right?!

  3. I have zero doubt in you. You know what you can do! You're going under! I'll be joining you 23 pounds from now!

