What do you see in this picture (besides a bathroom that needs cleaning)? I see me wearing a blouse as a jacket (despite 100 degree weather) that doesn't even fit.
When I lost those 80 pounds in 2012ish, I vowed that there were certain things that were "fat people things" and that I had kicked obesity's rear (although I still had 60 pounds til goal, I was feeling quite skinny and in control) and that I would NEVER do those things again.
Amy's list of things fat people do because they are fat:
1. They were open blouses over their undershirts because A) the blouse doesn't fit and B)it makes you feel like you hid your fat
2. They use the handicap stall in bathrooms because it is just more comfortable.
3. They go through the drive through because getting out of the car is too much work.
4. They own very little clothes because they either A) don't like how they look in anything (why spend money on stuff you hate?) or B) can't find anything in their size C)outgrew their clothes or wore them until they completely wore out
(Note: I currently own ONE church skirt---and the zipper on it is partially ripped out.... and I own ONE denim skirt for day-to-day. I am not happy with this arrangement and I don't like how I look in either of these)
5. They wear long blouses/shirt to "hide" their hips.
6. They stay home because they don't want to be seen.
7. They (I) refuse to wear their t-shirt that says "Just Do It" because they know the t-shirt message and the body wearing it send out conflicting signals that can be found funny to others. (Just do WHAT, lady? Eat? LOL)
....so on and so forth.
The reason I bought the blouse is because it was cheap and it was something different and it covered my hips (on the sides at least).......never mind the fact that it didn't cover my bust or my stomach and that the only button that buttoned was the one at the neck!
But I wore it ---and even got compliments on it at church. (That's what happens when you wear the SAME OLD THING over and over. You get something new and everyone ooohhhs and aaaaahhhs....not because you look awesome....but because "Look! You are wearing something different!")
Yep. Deny it if you wish, but this is the way I see it.
I posted the pic because I plan to retake my pic in that outfit every 4 weeks until I can button ALL the buttons....no matter how long it takes.
In other news, I feel like my life is like a kitchen junk drawer that someone has dumped into the middle of the floor and I am painfully picking up each piece one by one and putting it where it belongs.
I still have a lot of stuff in the "floor" of my life.
But I'm working on it.
This is a restructuring time in SO MANY (almost all) aspects of my life.
More about that in another post----it's time for bed! Goodnight! And THANK YOU for reading.