Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What should I do with my kid-free time? (suggestions please! asap!)

Tonight is homeschool mom's night out at a local restaurant. I asked hubby to be home to watch the kids but I'm not even sure I want to go. For starters, I'm still on the 118 days of no fast food (Sunday is my last day!), so I could only visit, not eat. And I don't know, I just am not excited about going for some reason that I can't put my finger on. I'm feeling obligated to be there because I need to deliver t-shirts to 2 ladies who will be there. But I just can't get excited about going. So, I thought "eh, I won't go. I'll stay home and clean house and work on TOPS stuff". BUT........then I thought of how JEALOUS I get of my husband because he can just go and do as he pleases most of the time and I feel tied down with the kids and I have to schedule and 'ask permission' to go do something that I want to do. Probably a lot of that is the homeschoolingness of it all...because yes, I am with my kids ALL THE LIVE LONG DAY and we get a bit tired of each other. So, if hubby stops by the gym on the way home or to see his mother or even to the library or walmart, I catch myself thinking "That is NOT fair. You never have to ask me to watch the kids so you can do those things. You just do them." So yeah, I think I should take tonight to do my own thing, even if it is just running the shirts by the restaurant and then leaving to go do something without the kids for a couple of hours. But what do I do? Suggestions anyone?

~more later~~


  1. Go out and enjoy some "me"time, sounds as though you deserve some


  2. Oh I remember those days - LOL. When our kids were younger (and I couldn't leave them alone) MY night was Monday evenings, when dad stayed home w/ the kids and I remember vividly thinking that I wished HE'D go out w/ the kids so I could curl up on the couch and just read a book or something. I didn't feel like going OUT but needed time away! I ended up going, and really enjoyed myself once I got used to it. I'd often go to thrift stores (I kept a list of things that we needed eventually so I always had something to look for and not buy things we didn't need) or I'd go for a walk indoors at a local mall. That was good - just look around and walk (I love walking and it was a safe walk - indoors.)
    Take time for yourself - it's sooooo important!
