Sunday, November 16, 2014


It was icy on the way home from church tonight and although we were only going about 15 miles per hour, we slid and wrecked. *sigh* We were all ok though and amazingly, the baby slept right through it all. From what we could tell in the dark, there wasn't any major damage to the car, so that's good. We are just a little excited from our experience! Time goes in slow motion when you are sliding sideways toward a red light and bracing for impact!

I really wish fall would have lasted more than 2 days. Maybe it will come back.

I counted my calories today and had 400 remaining for the fellowship/snack after church tonight. I had a hot chocolate, one cookie, 4 grapes and a cracker sized slice of cheddar cheese. I figured that equaled around 400 calories. But then they cut the cake (I forgot there was cake!) and yes, I did eat a piece. 2 of "focus on not going over your calories" and I went over my calories LOL But I don't feel defeated in my decision somehow. I'm ok with how I ate today. And I'll count my calories again tomorrow.

Actually, I am thinking of telling myself that if I go 6 days straight in calorie range, I can go half a day without counting calories. But maybe not. I don't know yet. We will see when we get there.

The pastor preached on restoration tonight. I asked God to restore my way of thinking toward food/nutrition/healthy living that I had in 2012. And I believe. So......................... yeah. It may not be obvious from these last few posts, but I
AM making a comeback.


  1. You might consider substituting foods so you can lower your calories so you are not consistently going over, just a suggestion.

    I think we all adapt these types of things as we move further down the scale.

    I use green beans or zucchini, for example, rather than rice or noodles. I do not eat sandwiches on bread, but instead stack the ingredients and just eat them that way. (Some people put them on a lettuce leaf or cabbage leaf as a holder). Plain yogurt rather than flavored yogurt is another example.

    I also make sure I eat protein every time I eat. That is what helps hold hunger.

    1. And on the topic of six straight days and then time off, my observation is most people who do that, undo the six days. You might have ONE thing and do okay, but half a day is likely to undo.

  2. Yesterday was my birthday and I was surprised with a party after church last night. I had already allowed myself to eat a fairly large lunch, since it was my birthday. Then I had to have cake at the party. There was some left so I took it to work today to share- and ended up eating another piece. Then we had a retirement tea this afternoon for a co-worker and had another piece of cake. Today has not been good...and I had a solid month of healthy eating behind me...including a week of vacation where I did well. Once I slip, like today, it is so hard not to dig the pit even deeper. We will overcome!
